Thursday, November 03, 2005

Breastmilk in the news....

Sometimes I just check out what is happening in the news when it comes to one of my more passionate topics... breastfeeding...

Anti-HIV agent found in breastmilk... this agent could also help prevent infection in adults

Mothers milk is high in Transfats... it is one of the highest sources of transfats found... Solution? A change in mothers diet can cut it out within days...

A Hospital dealing with preemies is running low on their supply of donated breastmilk...

Hospital in Mumbai has set up a "Breast Milk Bank"

Experts now recommend that children be breastfed up to the age of two or three because of a range of health benefits

Breastmilk causes more cavities then Cow milk... Tests in Rats... using Cola, honey etc... no saliva in rats... all of the substances left to "pool" in mouth... Breastmilk comes in second best after Cow milk... somewhere in the article it mentions that formula is equalto/less then breastmilk.. but of course breastmilk remains the culprit...
(don't they know that breastmilk DOESN'T pool in the mouth when baby falls asleep?!?!)

Breast feeding is often in the news... however... where are all the stories about the dangers of Formula...
I will never understand why someone would CHOOSE to give such a horrible substance to their child, something that clearly causes Cancer, Allergies, Digestive problems, Obesity, Diabeties and even Death... the WHO even states that Formula is only to be used as a last resort and is the 5th and last choice to Infant feeding...
I am tired of talking about how Breast is Best... Breast is the norm and the rest is inferior and dangerous and should only be used as a last resort after all other possibilies have been tried...
It is time that Formula gets into the news... It is time that the companies pay for all the crimes they have commited and all of the children they have killed....


Blogger K said...

I'm right there with you. I was unable to breastfeed (a perfect storm of factors -- poor latch, no milk for more than a week, too much encouragement from family to give up, rapid weight loss, hospital gave H bottles and pacifiers against my instructions, etc.) my son and it BROKE my heart. Not a day goes by when I don't mourn not breastfeeding him. So when I read about or meet someone who DID NOT EVEN TRY -- well, I usually have to get a moment alone to compose myself.

11/03/2005 10:10:00 p.m.  
Blogger Sara said...

The real strangeness of the choice to formula feed occurs to me when I walk down the baby aisle at the grocery store and see all those cans of non-perishable powder, and wonder how anyone can truly believe they're making a good choice for their baby.

Then I wonder if formula feeders think that choosing to breastfeed is strange.

11/04/2005 02:59:00 a.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am very pro-breastfeeding, I breastfed my baby. That being said, I think it is wonderful that formula is available, because there really are some people who CANNOT breastfeed (despite what most pro-breastfeeders say). I would even argue that there are situations when Breast is NOT the best - but that's a comment for another day.
What would their poor babies do if they couldn't eat at all? Lucky us that we live in a society that can provide good alternatives.

11/07/2005 12:50:00 a.m.  
Blogger paxye said...

The stats show that 99% of women can breastfeed, this is the way that nature has made us... interestingly enough that seems to be not the case in the US, Canada or other 'advanced' countries....
Like I said Artificial baby food (formula) is the 5th and LAST choice for infant feeding... the first is the Breast, the second is pumped milk, the third is a wet-nurse, the fourth is pumped milk from another woman and the fifth and last is the artificial stuff... It is an OK/BAD alternative, it is NOT a good alternative...
I agree that there are a small % of women that really can't breastfeed and for them there should be the better alternatives availible... so we should be supporting the breastmilk banks and not the money hungry, lying formula companies....

11/07/2005 01:30:00 p.m.  
Blogger Sharon said...

I agree w/ you, Paxye.
However, as someone who is on a fixed income, I have to ask: isn't the cost of breastmilk banks quite expensive? While I know it is worth it, it may not be an option because of cost factors.

That being said/asked, I have to say I DID breastfeed my son, and I miss it from the moment he stopped!

11/11/2005 12:20:00 p.m.  

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